Monday, April 21, 2008

New League, New Venue


First match in our new league tonight

Home match at our new venue the May & Baker Club, our new team name is the "M&B Bakers", our new league is Havering and District Pool League

One thing to remember about tonight, this league plays World Rules not English Pool Rules

Hence the only real changes are:

  • If you are not potting then either the object ball or the cue ball has to hit a cushion.
  • In the doubles there is a 1 minute time limit on your shots, this is doubles ONLY

This prevents players just rolling up behind a ball as a safety shot, so if you want to play safe make sure a ball hits a cushion.

Match Format
  • 6 singles
  • 3 doubles

So there are 3 results match results each night - Thus there are no dead matches really.

  • Overall (singles plus doubles = best of 9)
  • Singles (best of 6 match)
  • Doubles (best of 3 match)

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