Thursday, December 09, 2004

Another morning in the city of London completed, its seems UK interest rates are kept on hold at 4.75% by the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee which normally points to a slowing economy. .....see how boring the city is.....anyway on with the pool. Check out these links for the new season...

We have been asked by the league if any of the team would like to join a league 'task force' to review the rules we play this year with a view to changing next year, just shout up......the rules are on the EPA website above. TONY

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ok Guys as you can see i have been playing around with some of the photo facilities, to test a few of bloggers features. It all works very well......On a sporting note; Would anyone like to practice next week at the CueBall? We should all get some practice in on the new tables, nice, straight and fast with pockets that can't be mistaken for buckets like at the previous venue.....


Originally uploaded by tcossey.
Photo from my camera phone, pool teamsters can upload photos too by sending them to me.

Well guys here is the new season, we are registered with the league and have a new venue as per my email today , please email me at or for a login to this BLOG

New team for this year is as follows in no particular order;
1. Peter Kempster 2. Steve Thomson 3. Tony Cossey 4. Denis Sheridan 5. Scott Rose 6. Scott Davis 7. Dale Bennett 8. Dave Balding 9. Mitchel Dawson 10. Stuart McClements 11. Dan Cooper 12. SPARE (Bomber, Gordon, Stumpy, Ash could play here.)

Quick couple of notes about last night, it seems the league will have a new results system next year and we will be able to SMS results in, its all going to be chaos i feel as no format has been agreed and i cant see the results guys have the mobile phone number of every team captain in his phonebook. Thus he will get about 300 texts with just 5-3 and nothing else.....time will tell.


Friday, April 02, 2004

Well here it is the first post on the may and baker pool team blog, mostly this blog will interest team members and allow the trials and tribulations of a hectic 2004 season to be documented. Content here will include team match reports and general opinion on the seasons events........enjoy.